1 player electronic dart machine
Why choose the 1 player electronic dart machine?
1. To shorten the distance between people, start with playing darts.
Dartsis a lasre sporthatis ven slanelor comethon,commungtonand strengthenne iendship,
Whehertisabusnes erent a gxhewne amonefends. rapastmeopwekiaw dansis oneof wourheschoices.
2. The electronic dart machine is fully functional and safe
The dartnedle ofthe electroniesof dartmachineis madeof yon,
which isrelatrely sot and esdangerous;and the dartboard ofthe dartmachineis an electronictarget madeofplasie,
which can realize automatecounting, scoring, result display and remote connection, etc. Function.
3. Electronic dart machine, a sharp tool to gather popularity in places
In China,elecronic dart machines have becomethe “new farornte” for peoplesleisue and enereainment In bars,
video game centers,cinemas, biiard rooms andoher enereainmentpaces,
dart machines an be seneverywhere, and organizing dart games is a magic weapon to gather popularity in various places!
4. Flectronie dart machine, multimedia advertising platforn
The soft electronie dartmacthine isequped wmih hno smalsarens,
wihich canbe used asa mnltimedin advertising platom to play adverisemens durng standby,
suchas wineadrertisements,venepromotona videosetc.
Different advertisements are introduced according to different places where the dart machine is placed, so that players are wiling to accept it.
5. Electronic dart machine makes it easier for you to make money
Unatended operatoncan beimplemented,and some exquistesmalprizes can be used tosimate players consumpton, andthe efectis bete.
7he popuar electronic dart maclhine makesit easierfor youto makemoney.
Precautions for 1 player electronic dart machine?
1. This machine is only suitable for indoor use.
2. The machine cannot be placed in an inclined position, as it may cause accidents easily.
3. Do not use this machine in the following places:
In a dusty environment;
In places where the room temperature is too high or the air is not ventilated:
Condensation places where the machine will produce condensation or high humidity
In places close to hot objects;
Close to dangerous objects;
In places with strong electromagnetic interference,
Near equipment prone to sparks:
In places where the voltage is unstable or too low;
In places with severe vibration:
4. Before the normal operation of the machine, the machine must be filly assembled and fixed according to the assembly instructions
5. Before moving, the power must be turned off and the power cord must be unplugged.
6. If the casters cannot be moved when moving, please confirm whether the bottom surface is flat
FAQ for coin operated games machine :
1. Voltage is different in our country. What do we do?
No worry, We can make it 11oV,22oV,38oV to meet different countres’ standard.
2. How long will your products last?
Almachinesare bumt with brand new hieh oualy components.
sothe machines are alimn onglite-span over years, and eas ant problem.Castomers can getparbackson andmake proits tor many years
3. Do you offer English manual? Can you help with installation?
Yes English manual for you. And our technicians will guide you online patiently. It’s not difficult. Please do not worry.
4. Do you offer after service, even in our country?
Yes this isan important suport. We guarante year warany+ feimetechmical suport.
0ur technicans can also come to you in personif you need technicalhelp,as longas theirexpenses are covered
5. We want different games, Can you do that for me?
We have 12years experience in game industry.
We are very glad to help our buyers to buy whatever machines they like. It is very easy forus. Servic is for free
6. Do you offer site design servicesYesdear,we harerery profesional designtea.
0ur designers can make helkayoutand gD pan acording to youridea andour profesional adce. No extra charge.
Telus yourplan and ste denals, cAD dramngis beterDifferent site has different size, normally one design in 1-7days.
7. Do your company have the certifications that are required for use in our country?
Our Company is CE certifed and $Gs audited.
f you reguire any additional qualifications, do tell our sales team, and we will help to get them