New Hockey Table 2 Player
1. Toss a coin to start the game, and a random ball (one);
2. During the game, the players of the two sides try their best to hit the ball to the opponent’s goal, and the scorer will get one point
3. In the last 2 minutes, 3 balls will be randomly” released one after another (if there is one ball on the table; if there is no ball on the table, 4 balls will be released);
4. After the last ball hits the goal, the ball startslaved from the side that was scored
5.After the specified time of the game is ovelticket will be obtained according to the remaining score. game machine
P.s: During the game, the red and blue lights ofthe digital tube are always on; when iP scores a goal,the blue light fashes; when 2P scores a goal,the red light flashes
use and maintenance:
The power must be turned off when maintaining and repairing the machine.
Inorderto aroidshort ireuits,therelevantpersonnel should frst tum offthe ponersuplybefore touchingtheintemal components of the machin.
1fthis operation requires the ponertobetumed on,it must comphwith the requirements of the operating instructions.
Be sure to select the appropriate accessories when replacing components.
Using incorrect accessories can cause fire or electrical short circuit, damage the motherboard and components
Do not disassemble, assemble or change the equipment at will.
Doing so may result in fire or electrical short circuit, mechanical failure, ete
Confirm that the moving, flipping, and transportation must meet the manufacturer’s requirements.
Random artificial movement, turning, transportation, etc. will damage the equipment and destroy the mechanical performance
This machine is suitable for indoor use, not for outdoor use.
Using it outdoors will affect the performance of the machine.
Do not use the machine in the following places:
Water leaks or places with high humidity.
APlaces close to hot objects.
kA place close to dangerous objects.
kSmooth or unstable places.
Keep close to equipment that is prone to sparks.
A place with severe vibration
Dusty environment.
Do not place vases, bosoms, containers, etc. filled with water on the machine, and do not place chemicals and heavy objects on the machine.
Spiledliquid wllcause electrical short-circuit and damage components, chemicals wilcorrode machines,
and objects faling from heights wilinjure human bodes and damage machinesDo not place objects at the exhaust port of the machine
Ifthe exhaust port is blocked, the temperature of the machine willrise,
which wll afect the normal operation ofthe machine and even damage the components
The power cord cannot be pressed by heavy objects.
Doing so can damage the wires causing short circuits and fires
When pulling out the power cord from the outlet, grasp the plug, not the wire.
This can damage the wires, causing a short circuit and fire.
Do not pull out the plug directly with wet hands
Otherwise, it may cause electric shock and hurt the human body
Do not stretch, twist, or fold the power cord forcefully, and do not expose the power cord to high-humidity objects
All of the above practices will damage the wires, causing short circuits and fires.
The power cord cannot be easily kicked or touched.